Sparta Renaissance Festival opens
SPARTA. This is the seventh year of the festival, which takes place at Camp Sacajawea.

The Sparta Renaissance Festival will be open three weekends next month, starting Sept. 7-8.
The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Sept. 22.
This is the seventh year of the festival, which takes place at Camp Sacajawea, 251 White Lake Road.
There will be more than 100 vendors.
Entertainment includes knights jousting and sword fighting, a quest through the Enchanted Forest, comedy acts Vixens En Garde and Shakespeare Approves!, Celtic Magic with Daniel Greenwolf and Bella, storytellers Piece of 8, Celtic folk band Wandering Monsters, the Warlock Family Wondershow and more.
Tickets at the door are $20 for adults and $10 for children ages 6-12. Children younger than 6 are admitted for free.
The festival is rain or shine.
For information and discounted tickets, go online to