Designing a soft landing
FRANKLIN. Three teams compete in the Egg Drop Challenge at the Franklin library branch.

To mark the ninth annual New Jersey Makers Day, the Sussex County Library System offered more than two dozen workshops ranging from learning to sew or crochet to crafting, then racing small boats made of pool noodles on March 24-25.
Only one of them - the Egg Drop Challenge on Saturday afternoon at the Franklin branch - ended with a library staff member throwing participants’ creations out a second-story window.
Teams were asked to build a protective casing for an egg that would be dropped out the window at the end of the hour.
Three teams accepted the challenge.
Ty and Oliver Dreifes, ages 16 and 11, respectively, of Hamburg created an air bag using a sandwich bag inside a brown lunch bag. They named their creation the “Lunch Bag.”
Quinn McCully, 12, of Newton and James Staab, 14, of Wantage named their’s “The SS Monkey.”
Sean Staab, 12, of Wantage and Travis Dorne, 13, of Vernon named their project “Death Wish.”
Among the items they could use were Styrofoam bowls, popsicle sticks, strings, ribbons, sandwich bags and brown lunch bags.
Cara McLaughlin, youth services associate at the Franklin library, dropped the three entries out the window as the contestants waited below.
No eggs survived, but the teams seemed to enjoy the comradery and competition anyway.