Drama Geek Studios, in partnership with the Historic Crescent Theater, will hold auditions for “The Christmas Carol” at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 30 at 74 Main St., Sussex.
Performances will take place in December.
Sides will be provided.
Drama Geek Studios also will hold auditions for the holiday favorite “Elf Jr. The Musical!” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2.
Those interested in auditioning should prepare a minimum of 16 bars (30 to 45 seconds) of a song from the show. Backing tracks will be provided unless auditioners prefer a specific version of the song, which they should provide.
Rehearsals will begin the next week. Shows are the weekend of Dec. 7.
All auditions are by appointment only. To schedule an audition, send an email to auditions@dramageekstudios.com; emails sent to the general Drama Geek email will not be accepted.