5, 6, 7, 8 ... go Miners!
SPARTA. Girls audition for the minor league baseball team’s new dance and cheer team.

More than two dozen girls showed off their athletic skills and dancing abilities Saturday, Jan. 25 during auditions for the Sussex County Miners’ new dance and cheer team.
The auditions for girls ages 8-17 were held at Trinity Studios, which is owned by Lauren Fraser.
Fraser, who grew up in Frankford and has attended baseball games at Skylands Stadium for many years, suggested creating the team.
The idea was tested at three Miners games last summer, with a small group performing a dance, then cheering between innings and taking part in some of the team promotions.
“It was a blast,” Fraser said.
At the end of the baseball season, she talked to team officials about creating a group with girls from throughout the area. “That’s was how the Minerettes were born.”
The team will be modeled on the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.
”We’re trying to draw from the strongest and best dancers in the area, cheerleaders, gymnasts ... .”
Olivia McEntee, a Miners representative who coordinates its baseball camps for children, said the Minerettes could offer a way for young girls to become more involved with the team.
Dance and cheer team camps are planned for young girls this summer while the baseball camp is going on, Fraser said. “Hopefully, we can kind of incorporate the girls who want to be there while their brothers are playing baseball.”
Senior, junior squads
Fraser said the goal of the auditions is to choose about 24 girls for two squads: a junior squad for ages 8-12 and senior squad for ages 13-17.
”We’re looking for really outstanding performers and personalities, good dancers, kids who want to have a good time.”
All the girls will perform an opening number to “Back in Black” by AC/DC at the games.
During the auditions, the girls were judged on their skills and technique assessment, their performance of a choreographed dance and a short interview to see their personality.
Some said they had been taking dance and cheer classes since they were as young as 2. Several also are Miners fans or have brothers who are.