2 magicians to perform tonight
SPARTA. The featured performer is Gino Mozzarella, also called Danny Archer, known for performing ‘magic with attitude.’

Sparta Avenue Stage will present “Brotherly Love Magic” at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan 11 at 10 Sparta Ave.
Gino Mozzarella, also called Danny Archer, is known for performing “magic with attitude.” He will be the featured performer.
Mozzarella, also known as the Sicilian Sorcerer and/or Mafia Magician, says his act is part magic, part standup and part stick’em-up. He performs world-class sleight of hand with a razor-sharp wit.
Also on the program is his friend and consigliere, Mike Miller, a renowned magic performer in his own right.
For the past eight years, Mozzarella has been co-owner of the Smoke and Mirrors Magic Theater of Huntington Valley, Pa.
The magic performance space just north of Philadelphia is moving five miles down the road to be the cornerstone of Marc DeSouza’s House of Magic.
Joe Garsetti, co-owner of the Sparta Avenue Stage, said, “We have known Danny ever since he opened Smoke and Mirrors in 2016. Magic theater owners are a tight-knit group, we are all fellow performers, so we work well together to book magicians from all over the world by sharing dates and/or availability. This working relationship and bond is good for the theater owners and the performers who want to work and maximize their travel schedules.
“We have always wanted to have the Danny and Mike up here to perform. Finally, our schedules and stars aligned. These guys are very skilled and funny seasoned performers - there will be a lot of laughs.”
Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for senior citizens.
They may be purchased online at spartamagic.com
This event is made possible by Sparta Stage, a nonprofit formed to educate and promote performance arts in general with an emphasis and prominence placed on supporting the art of magic and prestidigitation.