Wallkill Valley art student wins Emerging Artist award
Hardyston. Her collage “Tracks of the Unknown” was among only four merit winners statewide.

A Wallkill Valley Regional High School Art class student, Kristina Leonard, won one of four merit awards at the Emerging Artist Competition held Jan. 21.
Her winning piece, “Tracks of the Unknown,” is a 16-by30-inch magazine collage made exclusively of hole-punched circles.
Kristina’s fine arts instructor, Amy Fairweather, said all schools in the state are invited to participate in the contest, which is sponsored by the Art Administrators of New Jersey and Kean University.
“Kristina worked incredibly hard on her beautiful collage , and this award is well deserved,” Fairweather said. “I am so excited for her as I feel this will give her the validation that she is meant to share her gift with the world and keep making art.”
Kristina received a medal and a $40 cash prize. The Emerging Artist show and reception are usually held in the Kean University art gallery. This year, both events were held virtually.
Fairweather said each school sends one piece to the competition. Four merit awards and four honorable mentions are granted to the best works.
Kristina submitted her portfolio to compete for the governor’s medal and a $200 cash prize, Fairweather said.
Kristina was recently inducted to the National Art Honor Society as a new member.
“Kristina worked incredibly hard on her beautiful collage , and this award is well deserved. I am so excited for her as I feel this will give her the validation that she is meant to share her gift with the world and keep making art.” Amy Fairweather