Vernon. Vernon Township is seeking vendors for this year’s farmers market. To apply, download an application from vernontwp.com or email vernontwpfarmersmarket@gmail.com.
The market will operate in the Vernon municipal lot on Church Street, across from town hall, on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month from May 22 through Oct. 23, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day.
The market offers homemade goods and locally grown and sourced products, including organic pies and baked goods, organic meats and eggs, fresh produce and flowers, homemade dog treats, fresh herbs, handmade gifts and decor, fudge, chocolates, coffee and pastries, breads, dried meats, pickles, freshly made cheese, honey, handmade jewelry, soaps, candles, spices, and hot sauce.
The market is sponsored by the Vernon Chamber of Commerce and Vernon Township Board of Recreation.