Sparta. James Maher will lead an online session titled “An Introduction to Street Photography from Beginner to Advanced Topic” at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Sponsored by the Sparta Camera Club, the session covers a wide range of topics, beginning with an introduction to the genre of street photography. Maher will cover how to set up and use your camera, tips and tricks to make street photography easier and more comfortable, street photography in quiet and suburban areas, and conceptual issues like telling a story and creating a portfolio. Maher has been practicing the art of street photography since he first picked up a camera, and has worked as a portrait, studio, and documentary photographer in New York since 2005. He is a certified New York photography tour and workshop guide and the author of “The New York Photographer’s Travel Guide” and “The Essentials of Street Photography.” The Sparta Camera Club is providing the presentation online via WebEx. Visit spartacameraclub.org for additional information. Non-members may sign-up for the presentation via meet-up.