Miss Sparta-Elizabeth Victoria Convey

Age: 18 Parents: Martin and Jean Convey Academic Accomplishments: Honor Roll Student 4 years of high school. Plans for the future: Attend West Virginia University- I have been enrolled in a five year program majoring in Elementary Education with a dual minor in Special Education and Dance which will result in both a BA and MA degree at the end of the program. Community involvement: *Employee for 5 years at The Ultimate Gymnastics and during this time worked with young children and developmentally disabled children. *Assisted in caring for family members with Alzheimer's from 1996 to present. *Selected to participate in the D.A.R.E. Program as a role model. *Participated in the REACH program. *Selected to assist with SAFESTOCK at Sparta High School. *Tutored developmentally disabled children in reading. *Prepared cheerleaders for try outs from third through twelfth grade. *Involved with Blessed Kateri Catholic Church in Sparta. (Played softball with handicapped children in Morris County and worked in a soup kitchen for the homeless.) *Teaching handicapped children dance. *PDP Leader at Sparta High School. The most important issue in our community is the building of a new High School due to obvious overcrowding. One of the obstacles that needs to be addressed is to get all of the community members to learn what the issues are so that approval for funding is achieved. I have a plan that can assit in this process that will enable the new school to meet community needs as well as the High School students' needs. That is having classes for adult education, senior citizens, and programs for the developed mentally disabled citizens of our community during evening and weekend hours. I would like the new high school to be utilized by all members of the community. The new high school could be used as a focal point for community meetings and leisure activities. The other issues that impacts on this are increased taxes. My plan is to work with the Town Council and the Planning Board to attract new corporate businesses to our community which would result in the stabilization of property taxes.