Hawley. The Pike County Conservation District and The Lackawaxen River Conservancy are offering a free instructional webinar to educate homeowners, landowners, and all environmentalists on how to rid property of Japanese knotweed, an invasive species.
Vincent Cotrone from the Penn State Cooperative Extension will cover manual removal and chemical control and provide a schedule for when to carry out this control on your property.
Everyone who registers for this event will also receive knotweed eradication schedule reminders and important updates on control.
The webinar will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 11, via Zoom. It will provide plenty of time at the end for questions and answers.
Registration is free but required to get the Zoom link. To register, visit pikeconservation.org or the Pike County Conservation District’s Facebook page.
For more information contact Devan George at PCCD, 570-226-8220 or dgeorge@pikpa.org.