Fair’s photography contest and exhibit moves online
Vernon. The fair’s Photography Committee teamed up with the three Sussex County camera clubs to create an online exhibit that features some of the best work by local photographers.

One of the most popular exhibits at the New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Horse Show is the photography contest and exhibit. The fair’s Photography Committee, headed by Eileen Stemley, teamed up with the three Sussex County camera clubs to create an online exhibit that features some of the best work by local photographers. The photos are now being featured on the Fair’s new web page.
The photo exhibit is part of a virtual experience planned by the fair. Members of the Sparta Camera Club, Sussex County Photographers, and the Vernon Camera Club submitted photos that have been transformed into a short movie.
The slide show may be viewed on the fair’s web page at sussexcountyfairgrounds.blogspot.com/2020/07/2020-njsfscfhs-virtual-photography.html.
The three camera clubs work to educate, support and develop the photographic skills of their members. They are looking forward to holding meetings, most of which will be held online.