ESU launches ‘Writers Write/Writers Chat’ with Grace Talusan
East Stroudsburg. English professor Artress Bethany White said the first talk, with writer Grace Talusan, will have “broad appeal for those interested in topics that include creative writing, diversity, gender, immigration, trauma and the female body.”

East Stroudsburg University’s English Department and the College of Arts and Sciences will sponsor the University’s first “Writers Write/Writers Chat” virtual literary reading event with memoirist Grace Talusan, author of “The Body Papers,” on Monday, November 16 at 4 p.m.
The event is open to the general public at no cost. Those interested in attending and participating in this initiative may do so by logging on to ZOOM at Attendees are asked to please log in with their full name.
Talusan was born in the Philippines and raised in New England. A graduate of Tufts University and the MFA program in writing at UC Irvine, she was the recipient of a U.S. Fulbright Fellowship to the Philippines and an Artist Fellowship Award from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Talusan is currently the Fannie Hurst Writer-in-Residence at Brandeis University. “The Body Papers” is a New York Times Editor’s Choice selection, a Foreword INDIES Finalist and winner of the Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing.
“This is the first event in the ‘Writers Write/Writers Chat’ series, which is intended to inspire those interested in the writing life as an aspect of their professional goals,” said Dr. Artress Bethany White, associate professor of English. “This particular event also has broad appeal for those interested in topics that include creative writing, diversity, gender, immigration, trauma and the female body.”
For more information about this event or the “Writers Write/Writers Chat” series, please contact Dr. White at