Drama Geek Studios presents ‘Carrie: The Musical’
Newton. Dress up at the matinee for this Halloween thriller, based on the novel by Stephen King, and get a discount and a prize.

Drama Geek Studios will present its Halloween thriller “Carrie the Musical” at Sussex County Community College on two upcoming weekends.
Based on the best-selling 1974 novel by Stephen King, this supernatural thriller makes great theater. It tells the story of Carrie White (Sabrina O’Connor-Cabrera), a high school outcast with inner powers who is relentlessly mocked and harassed by her classmates, especially a group of “mean girls” (Kaylee Babiak, Anna Yerofeyev, Skylar Tomlin) led by the queen of the mean girls, Chris (Nicole Verga).
Despite the support of teacher Miss Gardner (Marivelle Clavel-Davis) and the sympathy of popular girl Sue (Tristen DeChiara) and her boyfriend, Tommy (Matthew Steen), Carrie is still a constant target. Since first grade, she has been the school’s scapegoat and outcast. Things aren’t much better at home, where Carrie lives with an oppressive, religious mother (Shannah Yerofeyev), who has a radical sense of guilt and atonement.
Meanwhile, Carrie finds her powers growing in intensity as she enters womanhood. When Chris and boyfriend, Billy (Ryan Griffin), take their sadistic pranks one step too far, she turns her frightening abilities on the entire school.
The novel has inspired several films as well as a short-lived Broadway musical in 1988. Those familiar with the novel or movie will remember the disturbing climax. The soundtrack alone is worth the price of admission.
Those who dress up for the Halloween matinee will receive a discount and treat at the door.