Chamber holds installation dinner
VERNON-On Thursday, June 2, the Vernon Chamber of Commerce gathered at the Lamp Post Inn for their annual Installation Dinner. Those in attendance included chamber members and award honorees, as well as other distinguished guests, including Senator Robert and Ginnie Littel; Hal Wirths and Gary Chiusano, freeholders; Gary Gardner from the Township of Vernon; and Cindy Auberger from the Vernon Township Board of Education. The dinner installed new directors: Gary Hayes of McAfee Ski & Patio; Ron Muller of Aspen Environmental Companies, L.L.C.; Austin Carew of Carew Graphics; and Warren Olsen. In addition, awards were made to honor several local business owners for their contributions to the Vernon business community: Harry and Barbara Vance of Pochuck Valley Farms; Joel Schlesinger from D.Q. of New Jersey; and Warren Olsen (self-proclaimed professional volunteer). The Vernon Chamber of Commerce invites residents to join them in their pursuit of a better Vernon. Any interested individual or business person can reach the chamber at 973-764-0764 or visit