Spend the day with your family at the Harvest Festival
ALLAMUCHY - The second annual Allamuchy 5K/5Mile Walk/Run and Harvest Festival is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 15. Last year more than 2,000 people attended this great affair. The event is located on Route 517 just off exit 19 of I-80. This year the event has been expanded from two venues to four and additional busses have been added to facilitate transportation between the venues. Programs listing the various events and a timetable will be provided to everyone. Activities are planned for all ages. Venue #1 will be in the Village portion of Allamuchy and will include the 5K/5Mile Walk/Run race which begins at 10 a.m. at the General Store on Johnsonburg Road. Online registration for the walk/run: www.raceforum.com/Allamuchy5and5 or call 973-222-8748. As the morning progresses the living history portion of the Harvest Festival will begin to unfold in the Village as Civil War re-enactors, The Long Hill Band, the Mighty Gibbors (strong men) and wood carvers along with some living history figures and vendors set up exhibits. Food will also be available. Vintage cars will be on display and patrons will decide the winner of the best car. Venue #2 will be located at the Allamuchy Township Elmentary School on Johnsonburg Road. This venue will include among other things a bounce house, pumpkin painting, scare crow contest, three legged races and the Zombi Roller Girls. The Allamuchy Fire Department fire trucks will be on display as well as Sparky. A unique merry go round to will be located in this venue along with a face painter. There will also be food vendors and fall plants for sale. Venue #3 will be located at the Mt. Villa School on Route 517. There will be more than 30 quality crafter booths available for fall and holiday shopping as well as food vendors and a petting zoo. Venue #4 will be located in the Panther Valley Mall. There will be a Zumba demonstration, a bounce house, an opportunity to buy fresh produce from Allamuchy farmers and of course all of the Panther Valley Mall merchants, along with the three restaurants. The purpose of this event is to fund the Allamuchy Township Recreation Program that has suffered major cuts to its budget the past three years due to a severe reduction in state aid.